The typical steps for creating a Powerbullet presentation:

1. Assemble the required media. This will probably include text data, possibly already formatted in a word processor, images (JPEF, GIF or PNG) such as company logos, photos, graphs. Possibly some MP3 files.

2. Create a project by selecting New from the file menu and giving the project a name.

3. Drag in any images to the desired location. You can also drag an MP3 file onto the page (one per page). Create pages as you need them. Create text boxes and paste in text from another application, or type in directly.

4. Format text, perhaps providing enhancements such as borders and backing boxes using the built-in shape tool.

5. Add any desired animations to enhance headings or bullet points.

6. Preview each page as you finalize it.

7. Export the project. This will display a preview of the results in your browser.

8. Make any required modifications (particularly issues such as ensuring there's enough room at the bottom of each page for the navigation buttons).

9. When the final export is done, copy it to the desired location (possibly a web site). You can easily locate the project files by selecting Open project folder from the file menu, or clicking the corresponding button (or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-J). Within the project folder are two files required to run your presentation: the Flash file (SWF) and the HTML file. Say you previously created a project called "Great Food". To manually publish the project files, you open the project folder and copy Great Food.htm and Great Food.swf to your web destination. You can rename the HTML file. You will need to edit the HTML if you change the name of the SWF file or if you don't put it into the same folder as the HTML. There is also a self-contained executable created, named projectName.exe. So in this example it would be Great Food.exe. This executable can be played on any Windows machine from 95 onwards.